Announcement of capital increase for the year 2024

The revised version of Article 8 titled "Capital" in our company's Articles of Association.

2024 Cash Capital Increase Notification

Within the framework of the Board of Directors' decision dated 05/01/2024, and in accordance with the registered capital ceiling of 75,000,000 TL, our Company's issued capital will be increased from 18,000,000 TL to 20,000,000 TL for each share, with a nominal value of 1 TL, through a cash payment of 2,000,000 TL. The Capital Markets Board has approved this capital increase, as per its letter dated 19/01/2024 with reference E-12233903-350.05.01-48362, and the capital increase process is currently ongoing. The capital increase will be realized through a cash payment. The revised version of Article 8 titled "Capital" in our company's articles of association, as a result of this capital increase, is provided in the attached PDF document for public information.

Board of Directors Decision

Yönetim Kurulu Kararı

Amendment Text of Articles of Association

Esas Sözleşme Tadil Metni


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