What are the advantages of investment funds in Türkiye?

Turkish investment funds have many advantages, perhaps the most important of which are diversification, ease of access, and availability of liquidity. In this article, we explain the most important features of investment funds in Türkiye

An overview of investment funds in Türkiye

Investment funds in Turkey (or what is known as Yatırım Fonu in Turkish) may not differ from their counterparts known internationally, especially in the Americas, European and Asian countries.

These funds are an investment tool that allows investors to diversify their investment portfolios and participate in various financial markets. Investment funds manage financial portfolios with participatory capital that they collect from the public in one of the business sectors in which they are licensed to operate, such as partnership shares, financial bonds, precious metals, real estate, and others. Every investor is a partner in this portfolio by obtaining a share that represents part of the fund’s portfolio.

Investment funds are usually managed by specialized fund managers with extensive experience in the financial and business markets. In turn, they provide investors with the opportunity to benefit from their expertise in their fields of business, analyze the markets, and seize investment opportunities for the growth of their portfolios and the success of their funds.

Are Turkish investment funds a good investment option?

To answer this question more accurately, it is necessary to study each investment fund separately and to differentiate between the funds based on: their specializations, plans, risks, method of dealing with and preventing them, the results achieved in similar investments during the history of the company that owns the fund, and the experience of the team responsible for its management as well as expenses and fees.

But by reviewing the performance of investment funds in Türkiye during their recent years of operation; We will find that many of these funds achieved good performance during their work, despite the presence of some risks that may sometimes surround some investments, like any country in the developed world.

What are the most important features of investment funds in Türkiye?

In general, investment funds constitute a motivating and encouraging investment tool for many capital owners to benefit from their working mechanism, especially with the advantages that funds and financial portfolios provide that many investors may lack when they want to manage their investments themselves, which we mention:

1. Diversification

Investment funds allow investors to diversify their portfolios, and this investment method is an important method for dealing with investment risks. Examples of this include investing in stocks, real estate, and commodities at the same time, as well as entering into many deals within one sector to ensure that all eggs are not placed in one basket.

2. Professional management

Before contributing to any of the investment funds, it is advisable to review the CVs of the managers managing the fund and the investment portfolios.

Managing funds with high experience and professionalism will contribute strongly to the effective success of the fund’s tasks, as the management harnesses its experience and skills to make the fund’s tasks successful and seize opportunities.

3. Easy access and liquidity

It is useful to know that dealing with investment funds can be done smoothly and with great comfort, whether when purchasing units from one of the investment portfolios, or when wanting to liquidate money again and recover the amounts owed, in addition to the process of distributing profits.

When an investor in an investment fund desires to liquidate his share of the fund; He can sell his share to the fund at the time he wants, according to the share price due at that time.

4. Regular distribution of profits

Funds' policies may differ in distributing their profits to shareholders, either monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or otherwise, but in general, the regular distribution of profits will ensure that you receive a regular income proportional to the capital that you invested in the mutual fund.

5. Reducing risks

Funds are usually managed according to mechanisms that take into account potential investment risks, in two main ways:

  • Diversify investments or deals; In order not to put the entire capital in one investment activity, which enhances profit opportunities and also protects the capital from loss in the event of a loss in one of the deals.
  • Expert management of investment portfolios, seizing investment opportunities, dealing with potential risks, and good behavior in crises, require sufficient wisdom and sophistication that the team managing the fund or investment portfolio must possess.

If these two factors are present, the investment risks are lower, and the chances of profit are often higher.

Oragon Company establishes and manages investment funds in Türkiye professionally

“Oragoon Company” emerged from the “Imtilak Investment Group.” It owns a number of the most active and successful multi-activity companies in Turkey, making Oragon one of the most important and reliable investment destinations for managing investment funds and participatory portfolios in Turkey.

“Oragon Company” offers an ambitious investment model through the establishment and management of funds and financial portfolios, within some investment areas in which we have proven our high capabilities for growth and achieving the best-desired results, with our long and rooted experience in dealing with risks. Thanks to the CVs of our work team that attests to its ability, experience, and breadth of experience while being aware of the reality of the local and global market, the details of which you can discover and know closely when you communicate with our work team, visit our offices, or read our informational brochures and website pages.


Edited by Oragon Company ©

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