The best investment fund management companies in Türkiye

No entity can establish and manage investment funds, due to the many tasks and complexities associated with this task, so they are assigned to specialized entities. In this article, we learn about the best investment fund management companies in Türkiye.

What is meant by investment fund management?

The essence of the success of investment funds is their good management and directing the investment direction in the right direction. Whenever the management of the fund achieves the advantages of experience and quality of performance, this fund will be on the correct investment path to achieve its goals.

if; What is meant by the term “investment fund management” is the process of fully supervising the investments of participatory investment funds, regardless of their specializations. The supervision process includes some vital functions that will work on capital growth, by searching for investment assets that are expected to Achieve the highest amount of profit with the least amount of risk, while monitoring the performance of portfolios and funds and providing the required reports to support continuous communication with investors.

What tasks do investment fund management companies perform?

The fund manager has many tasks assigned to him and his team, and these tasks are divided between administrative and functional tasks, by integrating them, the fund achieves integrated and satisfactory results for investors, the most important of which are:

Creating investment funds

It is the first central task that includes defining the objectives of the investment fund, drawing its plans and structure in terms of the types of assets selected for investment and the method of managing them, as well as obtaining the necessary approvals, and announcing the fund to collect the funds of investors in it.

Performance monitoring

The most important part of the success of the fund’s performance is: following up and monitoring the operations of buying and selling assets, selecting new assets according to what meets the fund’s aspirations, and maintaining balance in the portfolio. Monitoring performance is considered a means of correcting the Fund's course and directing its investments to ensure that objectives are achieved and that they are compatible with changing market conditions.

Risks management

Risk management plans should not be separated from the initial investment plans. The fund managing team must have a high ability and insight to deal with the surprises that may arise and the risks that may surround the investment itself, such as: dealing with periods of recession and distributing capital among some investments. And other important strategies when needed.

Ensure compliance with laws

Licensing the fund, obtaining its approvals, and overcoming its administrative complications is also a pivotal task in the work of the investment funds company, especially since these licenses are only granted to the competent authorities that have gained the trust of the Capital Markets Administration and the concerned authorities, and have obtained the relevant licenses. Therefore, compliance with the applicable laws in this regard is one of the tasks entrusted to the company managing the fund.

Accounting work and performance reports

One of the most important duties of fund management companies is to provide periodic reports to investors. To instill confidence between the two parties and ensure its continuity, these reports must include clear accounting information documented in numbers, with comprehensive reports on the fund’s performance, the progress of its plans, and the achievement of its goals.

Criteria for selecting the best investment fund management companies

It is natural for the investor to always be concerned about how to evaluate the safe hands to which he wishes to add his capital to invest with them, and therefore it is necessary to set clear criteria to choose the best investment fund:

  • CV of those in charge of the fund: Learn about the fund’s management, read their cv, and try to discover their record of achievements in the field of the fund’s work, as the successes of the fund’s management will naturally mean the success of your investment.
  • Invest in what you know, or expand your knowledge about what you want to invest in. It is not right to put your capital in an investment whose general foundations you do not know, because that will help you in making your decisions and expecting to collect your profits...
  • Learn about the investment plans developed by the investment fund management, and ensure that they will achieve your investment ambitions.
  • Risk management and dealing with them are important matters to preserve capital from loss and loss, and therefore it is useful to avoid the types of funds that have high risks or promises of unreasonable profits, which are often accompanied by corresponding risks.
  • The history of the previous fund and its managing company, and knowledge of the achievements and profits achieved in previous investment cycles, by reviewing the performance evaluation reports published about the fund’s work progress.
  • Fund management is in exchange for a percentage of the profit, or multiple expenses may be incurred by the fund due to the number and type of transactions, in addition to taxes or exemptions that some funds may receive. Therefore, it is important to know the percentage of financial expenses due on capital before making an investment decision, given the differences between funds in terms of expenses.

Why should I choose Oragon Investment Fund Management Company?

Through the portal of the Oragon Participatory Investment Company in Turkey, and by taking advantage of our licenses and the advanced expertise of our team in the field of investment fund services, we provide you with opportunities to grow with your capital and achieve ambitious investment returns through our growing funds, which are managed by the most skilled investment experts in various business fields in Turkey.

Oragon Company, a subsidiary of the Imtilak Investment Group in Turkey, manages many investment funds that it has excelled in dealing with competently and with extensive experience, with good dealing with market risks and methods of managing capital competently and wisely. Do not hesitate to request free investment advice, and learn about our advanced institutional work model, through your initiative to communicate with our team.


Edited by Oragon Company ©

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